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Growing in Christ and experiencing Change!

For twenty years and counting, women have come from near and far to hear a word that will encourage and equip them to live for God faithfully and see Him work in their lives systematically!  


The third week of every March speakers teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and each year, women are fortified in faith, strengthened in hope, empowered with knowledge, motivated to pursue, and encouraged to go deeper in relationship with God.  EmpowerMe is an opportunity to practically reassess and realign our heart posture towards God.  It’s girls who just want to have fun but who welcome a healthy stretch for growth in the process. 
And each year gets better and better!  


Empower Me 2025 - I Am Woman 

Join us on Friday, March 14th from 8:45am-8pm, and on Saturday, March 15th from 9am-5pm at Hope Cathedral (Jackson, NJ) for an unforgettable exchange in the presence of God. Register today for in-person or virtual.


Hotels: click here for hotel information (Clarion Hotel, Toms River, Hilton Garden Inn, Lakewood, and more) 


Empower Me 2025 - I Am Woman 

Join us on Friday, March 14th and Saturday, March 15th at Hope Cathedral (Jackson, NJ) for an unforgettable exchange in the presence of God. Early-bird registration ends on April 30th.
Click here
for hotel information (Clarion Hotel, Toms River, Hilton Garden Inn, Lakewood, and more) 


Empower Me 2024 - Anchored Through The Storms

Join us on March 15th & 16th for an unforgettable exchange in the presence of God. Register today for in-person or virtual.


Hotels: click here for hotel information (Radison Hotel Freehold, NJ). 


Pastor Amy Keesee Freudiger: Faith Life Church, Columbus, Ohio.

Dr. Riva Watkins, Founder & Overseer: Majestic Life Church, Orlando, Florida.

Minister Paula Stefanovich-Price: Worth It Worship, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Pastor Marla Rowe: Destiny World Outreach, Killeen, Texas.


Speakers: Pastor Andrea Crayton, Lady Nicole Green, Rosa Herman, Pastor Gloria Kuipers and Ekenu Oku.

> Click here to​ view Speakers page. 

Prophetic Appointments: Pastor Christine Martin and Minister Marc Morin.

> Click here to​ view prophetic pastors and here to​ sign-up for an individual appointment.


Salon topics: 11 topics including Financial Empowerment. Prayer, Mothering, Spiritual Gifts, Marriage, Singles, Health, Holistic Medicine, Mental Health, Entertaining, and Glamour Up.

> Click here to​ view Salon topics and here to​ sign-up for a Salon group session.


Friday, March 14th 

- 8:45 am - 3:45 pm: eleven Salon topics includes Financial Empowerment, Prayer, Mothering, Spiritual Gifts, Marriage, Singles, Health, Holistic Health, Mental Health, Entertaining and Glamour Up.

- 12 noon: Lunch in Auditorium
- 7:00 pm: Conference Opens - Welcome

Saturday, March 15th: registered Woman only

-   9 am - 5 pm: Prophetic Appointments (sign-up required)

-   9:00 am: Worship and Welcome
-   9:30 am: Session 1 Ensure Power
- 10:30 am: Session 2 Embody Prudence

- 11:30 -1pm: Lunch
- 1:00 pm: Session 3 Embrace Purpose
- 2:00 pm: Session 4 Enjoy Your Portion

- 3:00 pm: Session 5 Embolden By Promise
- 4:00 pm: Small Group - Workship


Friday, March 15th (Women, men and children welcomed)

- 5:00 pm: Prayer in Auditorium
- 7:00 pm: Conference Opens - Welcome, Worship, and Teaching 
- 10:00 pm: Closing Announcements *light refreshments served in TLC

Saturday, March 16th (Register Women only)

- 7:30 am: Pre service - talk to early bird

- 8:00 am: Prayer in Auditorium
- 9:00 am: Session 1 Anchored In Christ
- 11:00 am: Session 2 Anchored in Heart
-  1:00 pm: Lunch
- 2:00 pm: Session 3 Anchored in Faith
- 4:00 pm: Session 4 Anchored in Thoughts
- 5:00 pm: Closing Announcements


Vendor Tables

Opportunities are available to promote your business product or service. Limited space available. 
Register today. 


From Empower Me 2024 - Anchored Through The Storm


From Empower Me 2023 - Soldier Up, Understanding Spiritual Warfare.

EmpowerMe Conference Prayer Leaders
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