Lesson 62 of 90
I can count on one hand the number of times anyone has given me a prophetic word. And because it is so rare, I remember, almost verbatim what the prophet or those working in the prophetic gifting have shared with me. The second word I received in my life was my position in the body of Christ as an Oracle. At the time I wondered what that meant, later in life I wondered when I would start.
Then came social media and I found it to be the perfect platform to speak to my children the words of wisdom that I think are important, the words I want to reiterate, and the words that I know they’ll appreciate later in life if not today—and social media was the perfect indirect approach.
What I didn’t realize is how many people would find short prayers and reminders of life beneficial. If my children never responded or reposted what they read for them, countless others did! You see, initially, I thought social media was in and of itself a gigantic waste of valuable time. What I didn’t realize was, herein was the forum God would use to speak into lives as an oracle.
I found out much later that my natural children were glancing at posts while others were benefiting. With this in mind, I wanted to capture what would expire over time into something my children, and you, could reference forever.
Some of the sayings you may have heard before and others you may have known but never really considered. Regardless, my prayer is that you enjoy each page, as I’m direct, facetious and principled. Just know I speak from the heart of a mother with good intentions towards you.
Let the read bless your life and know little tweaks here and there, or a complete overhaul in personality can make the difference in having a fulfilled existence or a life denied of the many benefits available to you as a believer.
Now, the Words of an Oracle...
Dear Woman,
Like the Apostles wrote letters to the early church, these are the posts I made on social media and elaborated as a letter just for you. They are designed to inspire and provoke you to be, do and have everything God intended for your life. Some days are a reminder, others are an admonishment, but each day is designed to encourage you.
Sometimes we just need to be encouraged. We can know the Truth and know what’s right, but a reminder is always refreshing. This devotional is designed to be just that—refreshing.
Sometimes it’s easier to offer a sacrifice than it is to allow the transformation of mind. It’s easier to give God an offering, like deny ourselves food for His sake, put a bill in a beggars hand, or maybe give a little more in the offering plate; but any act in an effort to appease rather than obey God, whether intentionally or subconsciously, is pretense. God is looking for a people who will render their heart before Him. Meaning, they will do what He’s asked even when it’s illogical. They will trust Him even when it’s inconvenient, and they will follow Him even when it’s uncomfortable. His desire is for people to give of themselves completely and without reservation—to His love, His will and His agenda.
From Old Testament to New Testament, God gives perspective regarding sacrificial offering, saying in 1 Samuel 15:22, “to obey is better than sacrifice”, and in Hosea 6:6, “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings”. Then, on two occasions in Matthew it reads, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice”. (Matthew 9:13) And again, He reiterates, “For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Continuing by saying, “if you had known what this means”, “you would not have condemned the guiltless.” (Matthew 12:7)
Make time to examine your heart. Become transparent and address areas that need personal correction. We’ve all stumbled so that repentance becomes necessary. Beyond the elementary principles of Christ found in Hebrews, consider secret faults and presumptuous sins—those areas where there may be an exchange of His glory for shame or there may be the start of a love of worthlessness, a seeking after falsehood (Psalm 4:2), or misplaced trust.
There are plenty of little foxes that come to spoil the vine, that is, our relationship with God. They are unassuming, easily dismissed and justifiable, yet upon deeper inspection they are the very things, attitudes, behaviors, iniquities, etc. that grieve the Spirit of God and withhold good from any one of us. They lull us to sleep until our hearts are astray and we’re adrift from the counsel of God.
For incentive, the ultimate goal is always authentic Christ likeness.
Thank You and Amen